X-Legend Entertainment Co., Ltd. Apps

幻想神域 - 啟源女神(港澳版) - 全新資料片登場 14.0.1
「烽火戰爭前夕資料片」冒險新篇章 始動 ★ 開放新場景「擁風草原 - 擁風部落」、「擁風草原 - 聖紋格鬥場」、「忘卻林 -努達克要塞」、「忘卻林 - 塔菲村」、「星砂漠地 - 星辰綠洲」、「星砂漠地‧沙丘哨塔」和其主線任務。 ★開放新劇情副本「戰神之殿」、「鬼哭洞」、「砂之殿堂」。 ★ 開放新裝備階級55、60綠色品質及對應橘色、紫色、金色品質裝備。 ★時裝收藏冊、快捷表情、源神出處等多項功能新增與優化。 由我守護,你的幻想今年最火的日系動漫手遊《幻想神域》,全球1800萬玩家玩過的經典線上遊戲,傳奇網路,百人團再度打造大型MMOPRG國產遊戲鉅作,製作全新MMO手遊版本,以純正日系畫風的人物設計,西方奇幻題材線上角色扮演遊戲,遊戲過程就像在一部日系動畫中冒險。幻想神域是一款日系動漫風格、奇幻冒險的MMORPG,遊戲中玩家將扮演「啟源使者」,「啟源使者」以心靈操縱「源神」而越來越強大,關鍵時刻還能與玩家一起施展強大的連攜必殺技。啟源始者們開啟屬於你的異世界召喚吧►►► 【遊戲特色】 ★ 動漫冒險之旅 二次元來襲!純正日系畫風,引爆你的二次元狂熱,「吾一定會盡力守護你到最後」劇情派與畫風派 都愛上的Top1新番動漫手遊! ★ 轉動啟源方塊!召喚命定源神末日龍王-巴哈姆特、九尾狐姬-玉藻前、月光女神-亞緹米絲、墮天使-路西法,經典源神將陪伴玩家左右,輔助玩家進行戰鬥,隨著玩家一同成長,快來與你最愛的源神訂下契約吧!★自由搭配雙武器系統玩家可以透過主副武器選擇來打造屬於自己的戰鬥定位,不同武器的技能各有不同,有近身廝殺閃電連擊的雙刀、大範圍猛烈轟炸的火砲、操控自然元素之力的雙手杖、或是擁有神聖治癒能力的小豎琴。在戰鬥時你將不用切換武器,就能隨意使用主、副武器的所有技能,讓戰鬥的連招搭配更加自由、豐富。★ 攻略吧!天空之塔 即時多人在線,公會夥伴一起上線共鬥的地下城副本攻略,快與好友攜手一同熱血出擊。 ★尋找屬於你的冒險之路透過冒險之路系統,你可以學習各種被動技能來打造屬於自己的獨特能力,根據學習路線你將有機會學習到雙武器的強力組合技能,無論是培養暴力輸出或是攻防一體的角色皆能讓你自由選擇。★百變造型自由搭 穿出自己的幻想時尚!時裝穿搭是遊戲當中的一大特色,除了可以打造專屬自己的時尚造型以外,又可以獲得額外的屬性加成。而衣服的搭配、頭飾的選擇,樣樣都考驗著啟源使者們的時尚概念,想要打造成為時尚界潮流的型男或美女,就必須要好好發揮自己的穿搭功力,為自己的角色自由搭配出美麗帥氣的打扮吧!★簡單!爽快!一指遊玩! 「幻想神域」額外設計了釣魚、料理、採集、卡牌豐富有趣的小遊戲,提供玩家更多的遊戲樂趣,滿足你的所有休閒娛樂。【幻想神域Online全球榮耀】 ◆ 2013 巴哈姆特排行榜突破400萬人氣 ◆ 2013Google年度熱搜榜-快速竄紅關鍵排行榜TOP3 ◆ 2013 Yahoo十大熱搜新遊TOP2 ◆ 連續2年蟬連GameStar國內自製最佳線上遊戲類 金獎 ◆ 日本:榮獲2013年 WebMoney Award 最佳新進遊戲賞 ◆ 日本:最紅的線上RPGOnlineGamer Top 1 ◆ Steam 遊戲平台,玩家極度好評 ◆ 榮獲Yahoo奇摩電玩大調查2014年度最佳線上遊戲◆ 榮獲巴哈姆特2014遊戲大賞人氣線上遊戲(MMORPG) 銀賞 ◆ 榮獲巴哈姆特2014遊戲大賞人氣國產自製 銀賞 ◆中國:榮獲2014年十大最受歡迎原創用戶端網路遊戲獎 《Android系統建議》 支援CPU:SnapDragon 800以上記憶體:2G 以上 作業系統:Android4.4以上 存儲空間:推薦預留800MB剩餘空間 《貼心叮嚀》一.本遊戲可能會有上網傳輸費用產生,費用之計算依各電信公司上網費率而定。 二.本遊戲目前支援一般遊戲帳號、快速註冊、社群帳號。本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔十五級(十五歲以上之人始得使用)本遊戲為免費使用;部份內容提供付費服務,請避免沉迷遊戲。
甜點王子2 - 心動奇蹟 1.0.11
為了實現環遊世界蒐集甜點的夢想,烘焙飛行船啟航囉~ 意外發現的奇蹟食譜是否真的能帶來幸福劇情? 模擬經營x戀愛養成超人氣女性向手機遊戲《甜點王子2》,帶妳展開動心羞澀的浪漫愛情! ● 心動瞬間 甜蜜解鎖 甜蜜劇情,觸動每一根心弦 精美2DCG劇情圖,構築夢中每份想念 ● 環遊世界 邂逅愛情 心動異國邂逅,美男夥伴養成,攜手迎向冒險 ● 親手打造 夢幻店鋪經營夢幻甜點餐廳,一同航向世界,收集神秘食譜 ● Q萌衝擊 穿搭時尚 華美服飾家具,設計自己專屬的服飾裝扮,構建專屬華麗舞台 ●人氣甜點 夢幻呈現 精美各國食譜,共築綺幻甜點國度 ● 豪華聲優陣容 頂級聽覺享受 精選聲優,動人台詞撥撩妳的心房
걸스크라운 GIRLS' CROWN 9.2.1
Weary heart dalraejul Girl Heroes MMORPG! Girls Crown (GIRLS'CROWN) grand launch!
【MMORPG】暁のエピカ -Union Brave- 11.3.1
▼全国民参加可能!?大規模リアルタイムGvG「国家戦」▼ 4国家でせめぎ合う「神器」をかけた戦い、国家戦!国家の一員となり、敵国を迎え撃て!
幻想神域R - 2018 1.4.5
2018年度MMORPG幻想手遊大作-再次幻想,與你相遇!《幻想神域R》擁有「3D卡通渲染技術」讓畫面檔次再升級,除了能有更多彩的視覺體驗,全新社交系統能與夥伴組隊刷怪、跳廣場舞、釣魚、甚至戀愛結婚,最真摯的友誼從這裡開始!====遊戲特色====【結婚系統夢幻登場】跟我談場戀愛吧!讓我們在櫻花紛落的夜晚賞月依偎,並在他人見證下,用一束花來訂下你我的情。我承諾,不論此後戰場輸贏,我將用一生守護你。【軌跡聯名冒險出發】「閃の軌跡」與「空の軌跡」聯名合作始動,號召夥伴、蒐集專屬時裝,等你開創英雄傳說。【命定源神誓約羈絆】東方神秘力量釋放!唐三藏、孫悟空、朱悟能、沙悟淨、黑白無常…全新源神帥氣登場-絕對值得你用愛養成的最強源神隊伍!【十大職業戰無極限】所有職業零秒切換!號召隊友痛快迎敵、締造你的專屬神話 【百款時裝自由搭配】六大部位、上百款特色時裝,快來蒐集你的專屬造型【3D卡通渲染風格】 超細膩遊戲場景,360度戰鬥無死角,給你滿滿的幻想回憶【關注我們】官方網站:https://www.x-legend.com.tw/ffr/官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/AuraKingdomR/官方Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/user/xlegendgame
Dragonicle:ドラゴンガーディアン 13.6.9
Full-fledged MMORPG blockbuster - the strongest companions,exhilarating battles, level up just by leaving it alone! [Let's get600 free gacha immediately! ]
Aura Kingdom 2
3D Fantasy MMO Adventure Mobile Game
Dragonicle: 2023 Fantasy RPG 8.2.5
Login now to get 1400 draws! Embark on a fantasy adventure!
Ash Tale-風の大陸- 1.14.60
Release 1500th anniversary event held! Events where you can getlimited items are coming up one after another! Celebrate the 1500thanniversary together
風之國度 1.11.79
Easy to heal MMO mobile game! Explore the new world of fantasy withcute pets, leisure/social/adventure, a fun experience oncesatisfied 【Download now, get a rare gold card cute pet】
戰鬥吧龍魂 13.1.0
[Craziest 1300 consecutive draws] Log in and get free! Get a VIP atthe beginning of the game, and get a cool mount! The annualeasy-to-play adventure MMORPG
幻想神域2 19.7.1
The six-player brawling system is a bloody battle, a new experienceand become the king of the arena!
The most romantic healing MMORPG in 2022 [Download Now]Leisure/social/adventure, rich gameplay once satisfied!
Sprite Fantasia - MMORPG 11.6.1200
Login during Event period to get 600 draws and SSR Card!
如果重來 1.1.17
Before the encounter, who is your destiny? Log in to the game toget 10 consecutive draws, which 3 male gods have at once
Giant Monster War 1.35
You can lead your Titans and discover the grand world of《GiantMonster War》! Recruit heroes around the world to your Fleet,takingover wonders with your guild friends and lay your foundationinconquering the land! Over 10 Titans of different worlds, 30Heroes,200 exclusive troops classes, Real Warfare By leading yourheroesand titans, you shall expand your territory, conquer allwondersand eventually finish your grand achievement-Rule theWorld!Sometimes you worry about your abilities is not good enough.Dont,because your Titans and Allies will assist you! 《GiantMonsterWar》is currently in beta testing phase. You may encounterbugs, andsome aspects of the game may still be changed. Thanksforunderstanding. Features 1. Power-up your Titan A. CollecttheTitans that existed around the world and become stronger withthemtogether. B. Develop your exclusive tech to enhance your Titan,itshall be an important part of every fight of yours! 2. ThousandsofExclusive Troop Classes A. Imperial Cannoneer, GoblinLancer,Dragon Knight, Ogre Magician and Skeleton Warriors...etc,you canbuild your team from thousands of classes! B. Hawkeye Cat,Vampire,Necromancer Magician, Ninja....etc, each of thehero-exclusiveclass will be your finest weapon conquering theworld! C. Use yourclass wisely, attack your opponent's weakness andattack your enemyfrom behind, you shall defeat your foe and win thebattle. 3. HeroRecruitment A. Hundreds of charming heroes iswaiting for you! B.Upgrade the exclusive combat skills of heroes toenhance your powergreatly in every battle. C. Create your greatesthero by collectingall trophies and acquire unique troop classes! 4.Tactic A. Eachtype of the 6 troop classes would have its strengthand weakness.Use your strategy wisely and you may even conquer thenumericalsuperiority! B. Choose your favorite hero and form a teamfrom theeight main skills-ATK, DEF, Heal, AOE, Immune, Shield, BuffandDebuff. C. Each fight will be a battle between teams. There isnogreatest character, only the best suit team for each combat!Pleaseenjoy the game, and if you run into any problems, leave usyourfeedback via X-Widget in the top left corner > Contact us>report bugs. We appreciate your help!
Honor of Heirs
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Honor of Heirs2ndclosed beta testing, it will start from the 14th Dec, 12 PM to28thDec, 12 PM. We have also made adjustments and added newfeatures tothe game in response to feedback from the first CBT. 1.Enhancedcombat experience for each class, including skilleffectsenhancement 2. New strengthening system 3. New system openpromptinterface After the CBT2 begins, we welcome everyone tocontact usat any time and we will continue improving the gameaccording toeveryone's suggestions. Once upon a time, a great warbetweendescendants of the Gods and the Calamity raged on and on.Bothsides spilled oceans of blood trying to obtain the Holy Grail,andyet, both failed, only causing the Gods to abandon the worldandlet it descend into the Dark Ages. 【Exquisite Aesthetics: Createaunique face for your character!】 Simple and comprehensivecharactercustomization UI Give your character the eyes, mouth, orbrows thatsuit them the best! Create your own perfect face, be itfantasticor realistic. 【Immersive battles: Striking visuals andaudioeffects!】 Unique battle experience that resonatesacrossgenerations. Magnificent representation of the classarchetypes& realistic hardcore skill dynamics. Create a magicswordsmanwho manipulates elements or a melee mage who is proficientinbattle. Innovative soulstone inlay skills. Your career andfuturecan only be defined by yourself! 【Explore the wilderness:Spreadout your wings and soar freely!】 The endless grassland, themoonlitcoast and the hidden ruins await you! Explore the land ofCamelot!Fish, gather resources, create alchemical potions and forgeweaponsat your leisure! Experience the freedom of flight and unlockdozensof different wings! Embark on a neverending journey withnoboundaries! 【Tame wild beasts and find friends from all aroundtheworld!】 Embark on your adventure with Lancelot, Gavin,andGuinevere! From cute bunny rabbits to mighty dragons, fromfunnydairy cows to elegant unicorns, any creature you can see inthisland can become your companion. Want friends? Just look aroundandyou will find them, there is a whole world for you! 【CreateaKnight Order and adventure together with the community!】 Inthistroubled world, establish your Order and fight bravelytogether.Conquer Tower, Order Sanctuary, Fortress Territory andWorldBosses! Engage in unlimited social interactions in thisexceptionalfantasy MMO game!
LOL Yurukawa MMORPG woven by funny characters! [Download now] Getup to 600 consecutive gachas and SSR limited cards for free!
Master, I need you! The most stress-relieving country, a hilariousMMORPG that can be used without saving the world, [download now] toreceive rare elf cards
アーサーの伝説-Excalibur- 0.3.12
2023 blockbuster action adventure smartphone game, legendaryepic3DMMORPG. Let's make an undefeated legend [download immediatelyandget a luxurious gift! ]
Tales of Dragon - Fantasy RPG
Enjoy Dragon Fantasy World. Pre-register now for free pet &2331draws.
幻想神域2 -AURA KINGDOM- 18.1.5
『幻想神域2 -AURAKINGDOM-』の正式サービスが開始しました。リリース開始後一ヶ月以内にログインした方を対象に、無料アバターと守護者をプレゼント!
Aura Kingdom 2 - Evolution 1.7.7
Join the ultimate anime adventure MMORPG!
Morph into powerful kemonos and embark on an adventure inFluffyPlanet Saga!
Adorable adventure starts here! Pre-register now for special pet